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Buy your fun tube at Yellow V and experience freedom on the water!

Yellow V has a wide selection of fun tubes, 1 and 2 persons.


The YellowV Donut fun tube for 1 person is the pacesetter at every water party. A sensation on the water, because the light YellowV Donut skims over the water. Because of its sturdy quality, you will have many adrenaline-filled rides ahead and bounce around the water for many summers. Want to start off quietly? Then sit back and relax in the tube. Want to experience more speed? Then lie down on your belly. A night and day difference with the same tube!

The classic - the YellowV funtube Banana for 2 persons. Every trip will be fun with this 2 person funtube, whether this funtube hangs behind a speedboat or even behind a tender. Suitable for up to two people, this is the ultimate challenge for you.

More fun for two? Go for the YellowV Triangle funtube for 2 people! This two-person funtube offers the same fun as the YellowV Donut, but to two people at the same time? Sitting or lying down: the amount of action is up to you and your fellow rider. Hold on tightly to the ergonomic handles and bounce wonderfully over the water.


The YellowV Disc is a funtube for 2 people for whom it can't go fast enough for. Adventure, action, speed - a few centimeters above the water, everything becomes more intense on the Disc. Cool down with this funtube behind the boat on hot days, or warm with excitement on colder days: the captain determines the temperature with the position of the throttle!